Saturday, August 14, 2010


3 flights, 3 taxis, 3 buses and 2 trains in less than 24 hours, that's what it took to get from my hotel in Ibiza to my apartment in southern Italy. Even though the flights were all paid for, I don't even want to think about how much all the other transport's cost (i.e. expensive), plus there was a public transport strike in Italy that day (what else is new), but the following morning when I opened the windows in the apartment and are greeted with stunning views of this untamed coastline and beaches that very few know about, you quickly forget about what you had to put yourself through to get there. I may have taken next to nothing photos this year, but that's because I have such a backlog of photos from previous years, and nothing in this area changes very quickly.


  1. Hi George, Glad to here you are at your final destination. I would be interested in seeing some "non-tourist" type photos (i.e. your appartment, the local shops etc.) Hope everything is going well..........

  2. Sorry Laurie, I took very few photos this year, as it feels like home being there so I don't feel motivated to take photos :(
