Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 3 - Familiar location

It's been a while since I've seen this, but it hasn't changed one bit. For those that don't know, this is Piazza del Campo at night

Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 3 cont. - Proudly brought to you by...

I know I set myself an alcohol budget, but I had to purchase my 2 favourite white wines in the world on the right, and on the left is where I broke my budget as a reminder of the great lunch I had at this place

Day 3 - Good Morning

While most people are heading to work on a Monday morning, I get to wake up to this view from the bathroom window of my friends apartment where you can just, see the top of the duomo. I think I'm going to like this Monday

One night in Rome

Sounds like the name of a concert, but it's not that glamorous. After traveling for 30 hours, I should be ready to crash when I get to my hotel, but it's not every day that you are in Rome on a Saturday night, so I better make the most of it.

First up is a good meal. Unfortunately my favourite was closed by the time I arrived, but there was another place that I knew nearby that was still open. Even at close to midnight, this place was packed, and for good reason, that pizza e birra was one of the best I've had in Roma

Day 2 - still traveling

After next to no sleep in Rome, thanks to the church bells at 7am, I had to choose how to get to Siena, Bus or Train? Train it is, but it's one fast train and another very slow train, but as long as I get there and leave my bags and not have to transport them until the end of my trip then I'll be happy.

After finally arriving at my accommodation for the month, all I had time to do was get ready and go to Firenze for the night to meet with friends.

Friday, July 27, 2012

First time in China

What to do on a 8 hour stop over in Beijing? Unfortunately it's not that much time to get out and see the city, plus you need a visa which costs $100 so it wasn't really worth it, but luckily there is free wifi in the terminal, but somehow facebook isn't working. Anyway, time to find somewhere good to eat

Coming Home - 1 hour until departure

Finally, this moment has arrived. I purchased this plane ticket close to 3 months ago and it felt like an eternity, but I'm now sitting at the gate ready to board. I'm not sure when I'll have the next chance to post, but next up is a 12 hour flight to Beijing for an 8 hour stop over and then another 11 hours to Rome. Time to board my flight :-)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Old Blog - New Journey

As some of you may know, in 23 hours I'll be stepping on a plane again going back to Italy for the next 5 weeks, so I figured that I would reuse this blog to post details of my journey. I know what most people are thinking, a couple of posts in the beginning and then nothing, but this time I'm going to make the extra effort, plus it helps when you have technology to make your life easier. Anyway, still haven't packed, so I better hop to it